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Summer In the Sun

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The Secret Garden
The Secret Garden
Grace Netanya

State: FL
Country: United States

Dimensions: 11 x 14
A short statement of the proposed artwork's relationship to the theme of "Summer In the Sun" (150-500 words).: "The Secret Garden" is a reference to Frances Hodgson Burnett's novel about personal growth through the discovery of a new environment. The gate is a universal symbol that marks the entry-point between two realms. Our heroine looks back at us with both hesitancy and hope as she prepares herself to enter the mysterious new realm. This work illustrates the feelings we encounter as we prepare ourselves to face change, unsure of how we will find ourselves transformed when we "pass through the gate." I conceptualize Summer as a transitory period. It is the lull between the laborious seasons of Spring and Fall. Work and school are off, so the focus is on revitalizing our minds and creating personal progress. I choose to use a summer environment for The Secret Garden to bring to mind the feelings of “passing through”, to reinforce the theme of being between two more solid “places”. In literature and in art, summer historically represents the prime of a character’s life, or the climax of a character arc. As much as it is transitory, Summer is also fertile ground for growth. This reinforces the core theme of The Secret Garden (both the novel and my artwork), that stepping outside what we already know can spark a transformation of self.
Grace Netanya

State: FL
Country: United States

Dimensions: 11 x 14
A short statement of the proposed artwork's relationship to the theme of "Summer In the Sun" (150-500 words).: “Wonder” was drawn towards the end of 2020, in the height of the Covid Pandemic. The sheer purpose of this artwork was to inspire joy in myself and others. I simply wanted to indulge in a fantasy about the magical beauty of the outside world, as I was stuck in quarantine. I designed “Wonder” to incorporate as many marker colors as I could cohesively put together. I wanted to express a colorful, child’s dream version of the natural world. The curious figure sticking her head out into the environment is a reference to one of my earliest graphite drawings of my younger sister, as a small child. I saw revitalizing this theme from the beginning of my artistic journey as a way to celebrate my progress, during a time when I, like many others, was feeling a little bit stuck. “Wonder” celebrates the sense of freedom and joy that the summer season brings. The phrase, “Summer in the Sun” immediately puts into my mind the idea of “stepping out, into the big bright world”. The theme of a summer celebration is especially pertinent to the times, as this is the first summer since the pandemic where we can finally feel safe to go out into the “summer sun”.
Indian Lake State Forest
Indian Lake State Forest
Kyle Corley

State: FL
Country: United States

Dimensions: 20 x 26 x 1
A short statement of the proposed artwork's relationship to the theme of "Summer In the Sun" (150-500 words).: The summertime sunbeams nurture this boggy homeland into a world teeming with life, each creature an intelligent being never before met. A croak, buzz, or sting from a new friend reminds me that I am alive as they are, we share this vitalizing sunlight all the same. Be at peace with nature, be at peace with yourself.
Ol' Geechie contemplating
Ol' Geechie contemplating
Asante Benjamin

State: FL
Country: United States

Dimensions: 15 x 17
A short statement of the proposed artwork's relationship to the theme of "Summer In the Sun" (150-500 words).: Everyday in summer isn't always spills and thrills, some days are spent quietly contemplating the past and shaping our future in our mind.
Signs of Summer
Signs of Summer
Karen Koegel

State: Fl
Country: USA

Dimensions: 24 x 12 x 0.75
A short statement of the proposed artwork's relationship to the theme of "Summer In the Sun" (150-500 words).: “Signs of Summer” represents many of the parts of Summer we all love. The light of day is more prevalent. The sky always seems bluer. The air is clearer. Colors everywhere are brighter. Gardens flourish. Our time at the beach and the pool become a focus. Backyard barbeques are a big part of every day life. A stop at the nearest ice cream parlor is scheduled more often. And yes, having a Bloody Mary at the end of a day fits with life in the Summer….at least for me!
Days Of Thunder
Days Of Thunder
Leslie Wengler

State: Fl
Country: United States

Dimensions: 9 x 13
A short statement of the proposed artwork's relationship to the theme of "Summer In the Sun" (150-500 words).: When one thinks of "Days of Thunder" their mind may drift to Tom Cruise, or Daytona or the 80's, and thats precisely what I want to happen when one looks at this image. I took this photo on a beautiful, yet cloudy day in Ormond Beach Fl, not too far from where this movie was filmed. During my drive there I even passed several filming locations. This shot, and even the film is nostalgic to me, because as a little girl, my Father would take my brother and I to several races. I even learned how to blow my first bubble of bubble gum on the way home from a race. Summer in the Sun with my Father and brother as a kid were always magic to me. The memories we made I will never forget each detail even down to the music we listened to on our journeys. So, when I think of Summer in the Sun, I think of Days of Thunder, beautiful beach days, and priceless memories with family.
Summer Lovin'
Summer Lovin'
Jessica Carter

State: Florida
Country: United States of America

Dimensions: 48 x 32 x 2
A short statement of the proposed artwork's relationship to the theme of "Summer In the Sun" (150-500 words).: “Summer Lovin’” Summertime, just the word fills me with anticipation to this day. The slow mornings, leisurely days, and doing whatever pleases me is heavenly. As a child, it was the endless hours of playing outside in a safe environment. As a teen, it was hanging out with my friends while distracted by a Summer Love or budding relationship. Fast forward to becoming a young adult, summer is a chance to take a break from the hard work of college and recapture some of the joy found in younger years. Parenting brought an opportunity to do it all over again. I am a teacher; I still have that same sense of awe and wonder for summertime. We look forward to this time of year. We love our students, build close bonds, and become a little family. However, at the end of the day, teachers need an opportunity to recharge and relax after giving their all to their “children”. A few years ago a young boy came to me in tears; “I cannot stand thinking about the year being over.” I comforted him and told him summer holds endless opportunities for fun. He looked at me with eyes that broke my heart. He shook his head and told me I just did not understand. It was this very moment that I realized my classroom was possibly the safest place filled with fun for these children to grow and learn. I make it a point to fill every day with “Summertime Adventures” in learning to carry them through the year. You will see an octopus completely enamored with a flamingo presenting the best prawn in the sea as a love offering. Flamingo is most impressed. Nevertheless, I ask you to look deeper. Is this really love or a child crying out for help while they drown in despair all summer? When this piece sells, I will be donating a portion of my profit to Kimberly’s Center for Child Protection this summer.
Golden Radiance
Golden Radiance
David Kellner

State: Fl
Country: USA

Dimensions: 21.5 x 17 x 7
A short statement of the proposed artwork's relationship to the theme of "Summer In the Sun" (150-500 words).: Radiant colors emerge as the sun rises above the majestic waters crashing onto the warm beach sand.
Mel Fiorentino

State: Florida
Country: USA

Dimensions: 30 x 24 x 1
A short statement of the proposed artwork's relationship to the theme of "Summer In the Sun" (150-500 words).: The thing I love most about summer is swimming and that feeling of weightlessness underneath the water where it is silent and you feel at one with the water. She is floating just below the surface while the sun glistens through the water. This is the closest thing you could do to feel like you can fly. Oil on linen.
Diane Cahal

State: FL
Country: United States

Dimensions: 20 x 16 x 1
A short statement of the proposed artwork's relationship to the theme of "Summer In the Sun" (150-500 words).: Yummy, tangy, colorful sherbet ice-cream is what I crave the most in the summertime. There’s nothing like a perfect scoop of sherbet to cool you down while having fun in the sun.
Diane Cahal

State: FL
Country: United States

Dimensions: 20 x 16 x 1
A short statement of the proposed artwork's relationship to the theme of "Summer In the Sun" (150-500 words).: This is my daughter, fully submerged in a cool pool during a heat wave in Dallas, Texas. I’ll never forget how hot it was that week. This image reminds me of that summer in the sun, when she was tap-dancing her heart out during the day and cooling her heels every evening in the hotel pool. This image has come to mean so much more than that wonderful memory, though. This is the closest visual representation I have to how it feels when I’m overwhelmed, underwater, “in the weeds”. I’m learning to enjoy it more, to feel it completely encompass me and in those moments, just be.
"Endless Summer Bliss"
"Endless Summer Bliss"
Justin Alsedek

State: Florida
Country: USA

Dimensions: 8 x 12
A short statement of the proposed artwork's relationship to the theme of "Summer In the Sun" (150-500 words).: Living in the north east for the larger part of my life (until 2010) I was acostume to the harsh cold of winter. Summer was always a welcoming time to say the least, a time that was full of relaxation, being outdoors and the ocean! When I begun traveling after college I eventually landed in Key West florida, where I discovered endless summer and island time vibes. It was one of my first times down in the Keys that I randomly hopped aboard a ship and sailed for 7 months through the Caribbean, ultimately stopping in St. Croix. It was there that I took the photos that I created this image. For me this illustrates perfectly that feeling I had of being totally immersed in “Endless Summer Bliss”.
Afternoon Delight
Afternoon Delight
Jordan Shapot

State: FL
Country: United States

Dimensions: 48 x 60 x 1.5
A short statement of the proposed artwork's relationship to the theme of "Summer In the Sun" (150-500 words).: Hanging out with friends, at an exotic beach, while on summer vacation must be one of the best experiences that one could have. That and spaghetti.

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